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  • Martin
    February 14, 2023
    Your committee is considering redistricting the Greenpoint, Brooklyn neighborhood. As a lifelong Greenpoint resident and homeowner, I am asking you to leave Greenpoint whole and not dividing it into separate districts. It is a cohesive community that has a population with similar needs, that should be addressed by a single representative group. You can’t get things properly done for a neighborhood by dividing it down the middle. Greenpoint should not be grouped with Queens communities that have different issues and are not served by the same representatives. Please leave Greenpoint whole. Thank you.
  • Joshua
    February 14, 2023
    Please keep the neighborhoods of the 44th Assembly District intact as they currently exist and have for over 30 years. We are one community connected by schools, houses of worship, mass transit and parks.
  • Hazel
    February 14, 2023
    Good Day Commission Chair, I am the Sheephead Resident Association President. I write in opposition of the redrawing of district lines. On behalf of the tenants of our development The realining will disenfranchised our tenants from services and concerns being met. Our community has been serviced for over 40 years by a leader with a office in two blocks of the development. A great deal of our tenants are Semiors and tenants have minimal incomes. If our development is a part the lines abeing redrawn it will disminish our abilty to have relationship with our Leaders. I have 1134 families asking you to reconsider. Sincerely Ms. Hazel Williams
  • Kristin
    February 14, 2023
    I’m writing to voice my voice to oppose the splitting of Greenpoint, Brooklyn into two. We’re ONE Greenpoint, we should not be forcing half of greenpointers to have our communities’ political powers diluted our to be lumped in with a district that has its own priorities, most of which is in Queens. We’ve had our local assemblymen standing up for us locally and we need to remain ONE Greenpoint. This split would be devastating in so many ways.
  • Kathleen
    February 14, 2023
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    Please keep Greenpoint whole!
  • Mary Beth
    February 14, 2023
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    Good Afternoon, and Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today. My name is Mary Beth Crosby Carroll and I reside at 243 East 4th Street in Kensington, Brooklyn. I was stunned when I saw the 44th Assembly District Lines as proposed by the Independent Redistricting Commission. You have separated Assembly Districts based on arbitrary boundaries not cohesive neighborhoods. Although, the Prospect Expressway runs through Windsor Terrace it does not divide the neighborhood. The neighborhoods of Park Slope, Windsor Terrace and Kensington are connected by the same school district, houses of worship, mass transit, parks and elected officials. I actually moved from an apartment in Park Slope to a house in Kensington because of this sameness. Having the same Assemblymember in these neighborhoods makes them strong. When you divide neighborhoods by political districts you weaken them. The Commission’s goal is to prevent gerrymandering and keep neighborhoods intact. The proposed 44th Assembly District, as you have drawn it, does just the opposite.You are marginalizing the citizens and weakening their political voice by chopping up the neighborhoods of Windsor Terrace and Kensington. The natural boundary for Windsor Terrace and Kensington is Greenwood Cemetery, on the West along 20th Street and McDonald Avenue and out to 39th Street on the Northern boundary. Although I am still in the 44th Assembly District, as you have drawn it, my neighbors on East 4th Street and the north side of Caton Avenue are no longer in the 44th Assembly District. They live one half block away from me. My church, Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is 1 and a half blocks away is no longer in the district, nor is PS 130 my elementary school which is 2 blocks away. It is unwarranted to put these institutions and neighbors in the 51st Assembly District, which represents Sunset Park and Red Hook, and is separated from Windsor Terrace and Kensington by Greenwood Cemetery. The few blocks of Windsor Terrace and Kensington that are now attached to Sunset Park will undoubtedly be under served by this plan. Please do not make this mistake and divide the neighborhoods of Windsor Terrace and Kensington into two different Assembly Districts. The ramifications are vast. Thank you for your time and attention.
  • Lynda
    February 14, 2023
    Please keep all of Greenpoint in Emily Gallagher’s district. Emily Gallagher knows our district well and has done a lot for Mcgolrick Park and PS110. There is no East and west Greenpoint, just one Greenpoint.
  • Susannah
    February 14, 2023
    My neighborhood, Windsor Terrace, in Brooklyn, was long ago divided by a highway, but it remains a coherent community. This plan treats my side of the highway as a distant appendage of another neighborhood from which it is separated by a large cemetery. This seems unwieldy and unnecessary-- Windsor Terrace is not a big neighborhood, and there is no reason to divide up the territory between multiple districts. The interests of people who live here will be better served by us all being represented by the same person.
  • Holly
    February 14, 2023
    I am writing to express opposition to the proposed redistricting that would bisect Greenpoint along the BQE. We are a tight-knit, historic neighborhood and the proposition would separate a community arbitrarily. As a full-time employee of a small business on Franklin St, I would like to see our neighborhood preserved as a single district. Thank you.
  • Tamara
    February 14, 2023
    We need to keep Greenpoint whole, and squarely in one district with Williamsburg, as it's always been!
  • Lynn
    February 14, 2023
    Please don’t remove us from 44 AD, this little slice of Windsor terrace has been part of the district for over 30 years. We do not support the proposed redistricting.
  • Thomas
    February 14, 2023
    As a 17 year resident of the district, I would like to voice my strong opposition to the proposed redistricting of AD 50; concerning Greenpoint and Williamsburg Brooklyn. This area holds a rich, unique history and the standing district map supports this. From the factories and shipping yards of the early days of the neighborhood to the rapid development of today; Greenpoint is framed by the Estuary, Newtown Creek and the East River creating a cohesive landmass. The concerns of the district may be broad but they are deeply rooted in and connected by these physical boundaries. The wastewater treatment center, the nature walk, the new library, the functioning of the east river ferry, the clean up of the polluted creek and our neighborhood from the 1978 oil spill, our infrastructure, and the continued fight for the park land promised as part of the 2005 rezoning that opened the waterfront to development are all connected long term issues that require a very specific intimate knowledge of Greenpoint in the spaces bordering the creek specifically. And that's only to name a few. The issues of the district go far beyond this one physical border and to disrupt that disconnects them from one another in an extremely detrimental way to the work of our community and our representatives. Emily Gallagher and Joe Lentol before her worked with our community for many years establishing relationships and connections between people and issues throughout the district. I can not state enough how important it is to maintain the district as it stands for our community as a whole. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Emily
    February 14, 2023
    AD50 / AD38 Redistricting - As a resident of Greenpoint, AD 50, 11222, I am strongly opposed to the proposed map that splits the neighborhood of Greenpoint and moves the east side into AD38. Greenpoint is a very cohesive and strong community with shared local interests, and belongs together. The elongated AD38 does not follow logical community boundaries or shared community issues and interests. Please keep Greenpoint together!
  • Chloe
    February 14, 2023
    NYIRC, With regard to Assembly District 44 - The removal of the south western portion of Windsor Terrace from the district by using Prospect Expressway as a dividing line is at odds with the character and geography of the neighborhood. Residents frequently traverse back and forth over the many bridges and walkways connecting both halves for shopping and social purposes. Adding this portion of Windsor Terrace to the 51st Assembly district will eliminate the voice of the residents here. Sunset Park and Red Hook are geographically separated by significant boundaries - Greenwood cemetery between Sunset Park and Windsor Terrace and Red Hook by several neighborhoods between. In addition Sunset Park is serviced by different subway lines which further reinforces the separation. In addition, they are very large neighborhoods in comparison with different needs and desires. In conclusion this change would lead to this portion of Windsor Terrace being significantly underserved. It is impossible to envision a small slice of a neighborhood having any representation in this scenario. I strongly oppose this change. Signed, Chloe Raziano Windsor Terrace resident
  • Shawn
    February 14, 2023
    Keep AD50 in Greenpoint whole. There's a reason we're called Greenpointers—not Eastern Greenpointers or Western Greenpointers. We're one community and our political districts have always reflected that. These new lines remind me Robert Moses driving the BQE through our neighborhoods, creating arbitrary divisions where none should exist and making community advocacy all the more difficult. We need to keep Greenpoint whole, and squarely in one district with Williamsburg, as it's always been.