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  • Ann
    October 15, 2021
    Regarding the Assembly districts, counties should not be split up to meet established criteria. They should be left whole to be represented by one person who shares the same concerns and demographics as those they represent. Leave the 148th Assembly District as it currently stands, keeping Cattaraugus and Allegany counties whole and together.
  • Mary
    October 14, 2021
    North Winton Village is an inclusive neighborhood for all including :cultural, ethnic ,racial , age, gender , sexual orientation, religious beliefs and many different economic levels. We are all volunteers and have worked hard , for many years to raise the quality of life for all the citizens of North Winton Village. We have stood up against the drug world and have worked hard for law and order and are proud to have East HighSchool in our neighborhood. Our boundaries extend north to Colebourne Road/Merchants Road, south to Blossom Road, east to North Winton Road and west to Culver Road. Our neighborhood has been divided into two districts in the past. We stand firm that we will not be divided especially by government. We want to stay as a whole in our Assembly and Senate Districts. We would like to be in a district that also wants to maintain a good quality of life for all while keeping law and order, raising the quality of our schools and bringing in good jobs. We were divided into two districts in the past and one did not appear to have the same philosophical ideations and even was found to have corruption. We thank you for looking at and correcting this oversight which has divided our neighborhood. Please make sure we are working with Neighborhoods that want a good quality of life for all. We are not here for ourselves we are here for the people we represent and too many seem to have forgotten this very important fact. We do not want to be hindered by them. Sincerely, Mary Coffey Marilyn Schutti Co-Chair North Winton Village Co-Chair North Winton Village “ government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” , Abraham Lincoln
  • Lisa
    October 14, 2021
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  • William
    October 12, 2021
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    I would like my Congressperson to represent suburban voters like myself and not residents of the City of New York, which have different issues of concern.
  • Tamika
    October 9, 2021
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    To ensure my community stays intact and stop the confusion of who represents who.
  • Lurie
    October 8, 2021
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    Greetings, Attached please find a copy of the Center for Law and Social Justice Report on People of African Descent in NYC. This report, which is the first of its kind, identifies who people of African descent are and where they are located throughout New York City. It specifies increases, declines, population shifts, swaps, and where there appears to be some growth of population of people of African descent in non-traditional NYC neighborhoods. Thank you for taking this report into consideration.
  • lowell
    October 7, 2021
    I live at Kings College Place and East 211 Street. Between East 211 and East 233 St is Woodlawn Cemetery. My current senator's main district is the area east of me. Could the district line be draw from East 211 west? Lowell Green
  • Mark
    October 1, 2021
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    Here is an Assembly redistricting map based on 2020 census numbers that does not divide any county, city, or town with a population less than the "ideal" population of 1/150 of the state total.
  • Mark
    October 1, 2021
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  • Michelle
    September 30, 2021
    Redistricting: A No-No! Take a look at our last Presidential Election. It is clear that the work that so many clubs and organizations of the communities of the 16th Congressional District as it stands, has made tremendous strides in uniting its inhabitants and awakened them to the power of their united voices. So many people hold a deep lack of trust in government. If redistricting is allowed to swoop down on our suburban circle of trust, dissecting the very heart beat we have worked to strengthen; it will send a catastrophic message to its constituents, they should not be allowed to build and thrive. Michelle Marbury President African American Association Of Co-op City Phone: (929) 430-3255 Email: 177 Dreiser Loop, Room 15 Bronx, NY 10475
  • Douglas
    September 29, 2021
    Good morning. After having reviewed and compared the Current boundaries, and the two Draft boundaries for each, the Congressional, NYS Assembly, and NYS Senate Districts, I have decided the following boundaries make the most sense overall: Congressional District: Letters Plan; NYS Senate District: Current Boundaries; NYS Assembly District: Letters Plan Sincerely, Douglas J. Szymanski, Ontario, NY
  • Julia
    September 29, 2021
    The Letters plan for Congressional districts and Assembly make the most sense for upstate, with gerrymandering at a minimum. The Names plan is better for the State Senate for the same reason; the districts maintain the geographic grouping of interests without little spurs to include tiny areas into another district.
  • Robert
    September 29, 2021
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    I have attached a recent letter which I have also mailed to the Commission. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Deborah
    September 29, 2021
    Names plan much more accceptable to us in western S Tier than being included with Buffalo in the Letters plan - we have nothing in common with that huge urban area
  • Bryan
    September 28, 2021
    Good evening, My name is Bryan Wigfall. I serve as a county committee member for 79th assembly district within the Bronx Democratic Party. I looked through all of the draft plans and I noticed that there was no plan that showed all of the draft maps for assembly, senate , and congressional districts for the Bronx. This is a problem. It was done for all of the other counties in New York City. We should be treated equally.