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  • Margaret
    February 6, 2022
    Please consider the people of New York and create districts that allow for representation of all. The meandering district proposal that includes multiple counties is a disgraceful display of gerrymandering. It equates to taxation without representation as the voices of mid Hudson residents will be silenced. Please consider why millions are fleeing New York and work on improving our state with fair districts that include residents with like needs. Where I live in Putnam Valley NY is a small community of hard working people that deserve representation and a vote that counts! Thank you, Margaret
  • Jeff
    February 5, 2022
    The redistricting is a SICK PERVERTED Joke! The Democrats have perverted the process to maximize their voting block. It is done SPECIFICALLY to CHEAT the Republicans (YES CHEAT - which they are EXPERTS AT) and we need to throw them ALL OUT OF OFFICE
  • Michaela
    February 3, 2022
    I am a seventeen-year-old resident of the Village of Mamaroneck and wanted to express my vehement opposition to your proposed redistricting plan. This plan will split my home town into two and result in us getting less of the funding that we so greatly need to deal with the flooding that our community faced last September and will likely continue to face as the climate crisis continues. Respectfully, please reconsider your current plan with the livelihoods of members of my community in mind.
  • Agnes
    February 3, 2022
    I am not quite sure if this is the forum, but I object as strongly as possible to the proposed redistricting lines that take the Town of Putnam Valley (and the Town of Carmel) out of District 18 and instead inclde them in District 16. I think that if approved, it will result in the tacit silencing of the residents of Putnam Valley and Carmel and will have a remarkably chilling effect.
  • Cathy
    February 2, 2022
    Putnam Valley has a population of 12,000 and is very rural. No sidewalks, no water, no sewers. We are just north of Westchester County in Putnam. You are going to include us on your map with the Bronx, Yonkers, WhitePlains, Mt Vernon etc. We have nothing in common with those cities. Our problems are different from theirs. Our voice will not be heard. This is not fair. We belong with Putnam and Dutchess Counties. Please correct this injustice.
  • Peter
    February 1, 2022
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  • David
    February 1, 2022
    We are lifelong democrats who live in the Town of Mamaroneck. Under the new plan Larchmont and parts of the Town and Village of Mamaroneck would be in a district with the Northeast Bronx and part of Queens, being split from the other Sound Shore Communities. This will dilute our voices and make it harder to get attention for the issues that matter specifically to our community, like flooding, and make it more difficult for local officials to interface with the federal government to meet the needs of our constituents. We strongly oppose this plan and we oppose gerrymandering of any kind by either party. David and Madeleine Arnow
  • David
    February 1, 2022
    I am in Oswego and NY-24 and absolutely HATE the construction of the new district that wraps around the city of Rochester. This moves me from a district which slightly favored President Biden over former president Trump and puts me in a district that overwhelmingly Republican. It wildly changes the type of representation I'd have and thus diminishes my voice and that of others in my area. Aside from being part of the south shore of Ontario, I believe the needs and issues of the current NY-24 are quite different than the proposed versions of the district. And if anything ever looked gerrymandered in NY, well this is certainly it! I can understand that having Rochester between Buffalo and Syracuse presents a challenge, but wrapping around Rochester isn't a solution that makes sense to me - it is the only proposed district that appears so unusual. I strongly dislike this proposal and urge you to revise how you view upstate to preserve what we have in Oswego. Our county has been split up multiple times over the years but has never been combined with parts of Western simply makes no *practical* sense to the people in the proposed district - we have no daily/regular connection with the western side of the state - heck, even the weather is really different! Fix this! Thank-you for the opportunity to comment
  • Kelly
    January 31, 2022
    I read with great dismay the proposed redistricting plan which separates the Village of Mamaroneck (where I live) and the Town of Mamaroneck from each other with respect of congressional districts. It is almost inconceivable to me that such a plan could be envisaged, let alone distributed for comment. Anyone who has visited here would understand that the Town and Village of deeply intertwined, not just with respect of geography but also in terms of a single school district, shared resources and most importantly, a single sense of identity. I urge you to reconsider.
  • Anthony
    January 31, 2022
    These proposed maps cannot be serious. The state constitution has clear rules about compactness of districts that is clearly not followed. This is clearly gerrymandering at its worst.
  • Saundrea
    January 31, 2022
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  • Olivia
    January 30, 2022
    I am a student at Mamaroneck High School and a resident of both the town and village of Mamaroneck. The town and village are an interconnected community that cannot operate separately. If they are divided during the redistricting process, it will negatively impact the community. The proposed redistricting would dilute our voices on important issues and make Mamaroneck unable to function as a whole. The response to Hurricane Ida was incredible, but with climate change as an ever growing threat, it is near certain that there will be more flooding and natural disasters in the future. If redistricted, it would not be possible to get the same level of funding and aid received after Ida. I urge the committee to keep district 16 as it currently is, the future of my hometown depends on it.
  • Kabir
    January 29, 2022
    Please draw your lines based on demographics and please do not politicize the redistricting process. For example, Suffolk County NY saw a 76% increase in minority population and now stands at 36%. Currently there is barely 2 districts that represent minorities for county legislation out of 18. Which basically means, minorities amount to 36% of population while only have 11 % representation in County Legislation. Who will make up the 25% difference? Re districting should absolutely have nothing to do with politics and more to do with demographics. There is no taxation without representation, if minorities have under or no representation than they should have be barred from paying taxes because there are no taxation without representation.
  • Wanda
    January 29, 2022
    I am a member of district #35 which is about to be eradicated or disenfranchised. I am saddened by the fact that I and members of my community did not know anything about this commission until a few weeks ago. We have received no information on when this commission was assemble. We do not know who constitute the membership. We have never been notified of any meeting. It was a few days ago, I discovered that I could make a comment on-lined. Everybody has right to know who you and what you do and when you do it so we can participate in the process. The residence where I live in houses 300 apts. I communicate on a regular bases with my neighbors, especially our seniors since I am the president of our senior organization. It is a shame that we do not know you. It a shame never received anything in the mail from you.( FYI, MANY SENIORS STILL DO NOT HAVE COMPUTERS) My circle of communication extends beyond my residence and still the people I discourse with know nothing about you. You have failed to make your presence know to the people whose lives will be greatly impacted by the decision you make. TO US YOU ARE A GHOST COMMISSION! This should not be in 21st century. It was your duty to make yourself know just like GEICO does. We had a right to voice our opinion to you before this final decision was made. BUT IT WAS DENIED due to your failure to inform us.
  • Alina
    January 29, 2022
    Please do not split the southern Westchester sound shore area into two Congressional districts. Please consider the confusion and problems this would certainly cause for members of these communities. It is an unwieldy and unnecessary way to draw up the districts. Thank you, Alina Tugend