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  • robert
    December 27, 2021
    My name is Robert Wick, I vote in the Election District 12 in the Town of East Hampton Brookhaven Town has a strong shared community of interest, based on historical, economic, scientific, academic, environmental and cultural interests. Splitting the Town into two Congressional Districts as proposed under the Congressional Letter Draft would cause irreparable harm and undercut our economy, civic institutions and feeling of shared history and current purpose. From the North Shore to the South, Brookhaven Town shares a proud history dating back to the mid-1600s. Our primarily agrarian roots and long tradition as fishermen and whalers shaped who we are today: Pro environment, protective of our farmers, and fierce guardians of our parks, beaches and shores. The feisty, independent ethos of small yeoman farmers and independent fishermen that inspired the famous Setauket-based Culper Spy Ring of Brookhaven residents who risked their lives for George Washington remains a defining characteristic of the community. Coram, the oldest community in central Brookhaven Town, contributed its Light Dragoons to work with the Culper Spy Ring on acts of sabotage against the British and subsequently became the meeting place of the Brookhaven Town government for 10 years. The Congressional Draft Letter plan would split Coram, the oldest settlement in central Brookhaven, in two. Ronkonkoma, which is a key transportation hub for Brookhaven Town commuters and residents, would likewise be divided. Considering the money spent to make Ronkonkoma a thriving community hub, the division seems doubly perverse. Today Brookhaven Town is home to two renowned research centers, SUNY Stony Brook and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Combined, these two research centers are about 50% of the Town’s top ten employer’s employee count. After WWII, scientists and academics from the two institutions revitalized communities from Bellport in the South to the Three Village area in the North. The two institutions fostered a Townwide commitment to education, embrace of scientific innovation, and civic engagement that remains a vital shared outlook. Splitting Brookhaven Town’s two most dynamic and renowned research institutions into two Congressional Districts would hurt their shared academic and scientific research and negatively impact the economic stimulus they bring to the Town. The scientific and research communities at Stony Brook and BNL – and the many employees throughout Brookhaven Town that they support – benefit from having one member of Congress advocate for them and prioritize their mutual needs. In fact, their ties are numerous and inseparable: Stony Brook is a partner in Brookhaven Science Associates LLC, managing Brookhaven National Lab for the Department of Energy. Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA) was established for the sole purpose of managing and operating Brookhaven National Laboratory. Formed as a partnership between Battelle Memorial Institute and The Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of Stony Brook University (SBU), BSA is the legal entity responsible for leading BNL successfully through the 21st century. Stony Brook is the single largest user of BNL facilities; BNL facilities and its scientific staff are essential to the vitality of the university’s intellectual life and to the impact of many of its research programs. BNL and the University share an increasing number of joint faculty appointments. Stony Brook and Brookhaven National Lab have formalized collaborations that form communities of interest in educational, economic, and intellectual research. It is critical that this complex, major economic engine has the benefit of effective representation in Washington, DC, from one member of Congress. Moreover, the proposed division would split Stony Brook’s incubators, leaving its Research and Development Park and the Long Island Tech Incubator in one congressional district and its Calverton Incubator in another. Splitting Brookhaven Town into two Congressional Districts would also undermine the shared interests and improvement efforts of Brookhaven Town’s African American communities which have both been historically plagued by political “cracking” and disenfranchisement. Their common purpose to address historical wrongs through Town-wide civic organizations like the Brookhaven NAACP would be severely hampered. Likewise, the membership of many of Brookhaven Town’s most trusted and effective civic organizations like the Brookhaven League of Women Voters would be split apart, endangering our progress on good government reforms and environmental cleanup. Finally, a commonality of economic realities characterize Brookhaven Town’s North and South Shores. Tourism is a major part of Brookhaven’s North and South Shore economies, especially during the summer months, which brings a shared commonality of challenges as well as economic benefit. The surge in tourists benefits Main Street businesses, cultural institutions and small and organic farmers in the surrounding areas, but it means increased seasonal strain on infrastructure and unpredictable vulnerability during off season months and economic downturns. Proposed solutions for shared environmental degradation problems, shore erosion and pollution would also be undermined. In the mid-19th century, the villages of Port Jefferson in the north and Patchogue in the south prospered as shipbuilding ports and remain Brookhaven Town’s largest communities. Both subsequently suffered economic downturns but now, thanks to affordable housing and mixed-use projects, small businesses and cultural centers, they are once again becoming thriving communities. These regional projects on the two coasts are of critical importance to the economic success of the wider Town and would thus benefit from remaining in the same Congressional District. Thank you for your time and consideration of my request. Robert Wick Amagansett, NY 11930
  • Mark
    December 23, 2021
    Keep all of Rockaway together Breezy Point Neponsit Belle Harbor all the way to beach 9 Street and Nassau county also Howard beach and Broad Channel
  • Ely
    December 21, 2021
    I live currently in NY 9. The current representative Yvette Clarke does not represent the community beliefs as large. I would like to propose that either NY11 extend in to include the midwood area or a representative from Suffolk county encompass in the midwood, sheepshead bay, Borough park areas so we can get a fair representation.
  • Louis
    December 20, 2021
    To the independent redistricting commission, I was born and raised in the Railway Peninsula which is part of queens and consist of mainly small communities from breezy point on the west end to far I go on the East End. As you can see from the map I attached the peninsula is attached to Nassau County on the East end. We have two tall bridges to get off the peninsula. We stand united in our fight for many issues that only deal with the Rockaways such as coastal erosion, transportation, education And public safety as we are also a vacation spot because of the Rockaway beaches. The proposed changes would divide the communities, losing the unity that took years to build. I urge you to keep the current districting as is.. Without it we would have no voice and what’s best for our communities.
  • Michelle
    December 20, 2021
    As a homeowner and resident of the Rockaways, I firmly opposed the new redistricting of the Rockaways. My community has unique needs which will not be met by redistricting. The community needs, which are many, would better be met by unified representation.
  • Fran
    December 20, 2021
    To The Independent Redistricting Commission, I was born and raised on the Rockaway peninsula which is in QUEENS and consists of many small communities such as: Breezy Point, Roxbury, Neponsit, Belle Harbor, Rockaway Park, Arverne, Far Rockaway to name a few. We are neighbors WHO HELP each other. The Rockaway peninsula MUST NOT BE DIVIDED. Our voice can only be heard through unity; dividing us would be terrible for everyone. It would be discriminating one end against another. The “letters” plan for the Congressional district is terrible. It would breakup our voices creating a division right through communities. The Rockaway peninsula MUST remain part of ONE congressional district. We are all healing from division, do not create more separation. As a peninsula we have special needs such as education, transportation, storm issues, and climate change which can only be acknowledged and served when we work together.
  • Pat
    December 18, 2021
    Splitting Rockaway up into three districts does not make sense. The peninsula is a small unique community that is geographically connected and cohesive.
  • Fern
    December 15, 2021
    I am very concerned with the concept of splitting Rockaway up into three districts. We are a small unique community with issues that no other community has. By splitting us we lose clout . Having to deal with politicans from 3 different areas will not help us join together on important issues in the Rockaways. We will be split racially, reliously etc. Not the right thing to dol. Do you think the representative in Brooklyn cares anything about Rockaway. We will only be able to give a very limited amount of votes so they will not react as representing us in any manner shape or form. This is a political disgrace!
  • L
    December 15, 2021
    I, registered democrat, was outraged to hear about the proposed plan to change the district parameters, essentially chopping the Rockaway peninsula into fragments that will make it impossible to get any legislation passed that benefits our unique community. We have long been the city’s “dumping ground” and therefore the letters plan for the Congressional district will be a disaster for our residents. It will disperse our voices into three different counties with three different representatives (this is outrageous). It would create unnatural dividing lines right through the middle of Belle Harbor and Far Rockaway. The Rockaway peninsula must remain part of one Congressional district. To vote otherwise is nonsensical, and gives a clear message as to what the committee’s underlying agenda truly is. Voters have little faith left in their politicians, elected or appointed, so I urge you not to erode this trust even further. Laura OConnor
  • Katelyn
    December 14, 2021
    I am a resident of Belle Harbor in Queens 11694. It is my understanding that the plan for redistricting in my area would split up the Rockaways, which is a peninsula, and loop my area in with parts on Brooklyn. I don’t think it is right to split up the representation for the Rockaway peninsula. We are one peninsula with unique needs, far different from the needs of those in Brooklyn. I don’t think a Congress rep could appropriately represent the needs of this community I’d also representing Brooklyn. Please do not divide this community. Rockaway is one peninsula. We are in Queens. Please keep our representative as one person for this peninsula. Otherwise I do not think we would be fairly represented. Thank you.
  • George
    December 14, 2021
    Please do not split the rockaway peninsula. The whole peninsula is all facing the same climate based issues. Thank you George
  • Elizabeth
    December 14, 2021
    The Rockaway Peninsula should not be divided into different districts. We are one peninsular and should all be part of the same congressional district.
  • Joseph
    December 14, 2021
    View File
    To the Commission: Thank you for considering this map. As a lifelong Orthodox Jewish New Yorker who loves this state, I have been disappointed with the lack of representation our community has received, and redistricting has a lot to do with that. Borough Park has been separated from the rest of Brooklyn, and placed into a Manhattan-based district. Midwood, the Orthodox Jewish community right next door, has been drawn into a separate Brooklyn district, hence neither community has any influence. I was born in Manhattan, raised in Scarsdale, and will be moving to Manhattan after graduating law school, but am submitting my comments as a concerned citizen of New York, the state I love and call home, and hope you consider this map. Ensuring that communities of interest receive fair representation must be the hallmark of a nonpartisan redistricting process. My proposed map ensures that communities of interest are paired together. It would likely be classified as having 18-22 Democratic districts or 4-8 Republican districts depending on the election year, which is completely in line with the current maps but not gerrymandered in a way that dilutes voices within the Orthodox Jewish community. For example, District 7, currently represented by Nydia Velasquez, will be a safe Democratic district but include Borough Park and Midwood, ensuring those Orthodox Jewish communities can at least present a unified voice on issues important to them. Please consider this map so that all communities of interest can have their voices hears. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best, Joseph Silber
  • Patricia
    December 13, 2021
    I am sad to admit I don't know a lot about districts. I don't even know what my district number is. What I do know, is the census was wonky. It took place at the beginning of the pandemic. I was outside in my garden and a woman came by, didn't tell me what she left on my door knob, and left. How many people there theirs out? Also, since the pandemic, many people from outside of Columbia County moved here. Some had summer homes qnd made them their permanent residence. I know this because I worked at the local hospital ER. The number of people from NYC, NJ, VT and as far away as Texas came to our doors. The population, according to the census, went down. The truth is, it went up. Can you know these from where you sit? I don't think now is a good time to change our districts. Also, rules are constantly changing, regarding immigrants. There has been a huge influx this past year. How will this affect the census, taxes, social services in our area, etc.? There is really a great deal to be considered. More than in any normal time. I hope you can see these factors and how they play in the uncertainty of district reassignment. Thank you, Kindly Patty Stroh
  • elaine
    December 12, 2021
    I want to thank the commission for giving me the time to testify: My name is elaine fleischman__ I am a member of the Jewish community of Central Queens. Currently, under the current maps, our community is divided between the 27th Assembly District and the 25th Assembly District. The neighborhoods of Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Electchester, and Hillcrest are divided. I am asking this commission to take into account the unification of Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Electchester, and Hillcrest so that Jewish representation is not diluted in this redistricting process. When this commission redraws the Assembly district lines, please incorporate all neighborhoods mentioned into one assembly district. The aforementioned neighborhoods in the south should be connected with College Point, Northern Whitestone, and Le Havre Cooperative in the north. Currently, the Jewish Community in Central Queens is split between 4 state senate districts. It does not allow for any conformity to representation in the State Senate. Your drafts have created a central Queens and Eastern Queens plan that incorporates parts of Kew Gardens Hills being split up again in three districts. Again, we need to be in one State Senate district. We are asking when you redraw your drafts that Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Electchester, and Hillcrest be drawn into a Central Queens district with the neighborhoods of Northern Forest Hills, Middle Village, Glendale, Maspeth, and Ridgewood. Also, Please consider the Eastern Queens map as well, where the neighborhoods I mentioned as a block be included with Fresh Meadows, Oakland Gardens, Little Neck Douglaston, Bayside, and Bay Terrace. Consider your guide eastward between the Long Island Expressway and the Grand Central Parkway to the County Line, before heading strictly north. Please make every effort to keep Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Electchester, and Hillcrest together in both an Assembly District as well as one State Senate district.