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  • Elana
    February 10, 2023
    Good evening, My name is Elana Ehrenberg and I am the Democratic County Committee rep for Assembly District 50 Election District 5. I'm concerned about the current draft of this redistricting plan to cut AD 50 in half with the Eastern part of my neighborhood, Greenpoint, getting lumped in with AD 38 in Queens, with neighborhoods as far away as Glendale and Rego Park. My neighborhood has very specific environmental concerns (Newtown Creek, superfund sites, toxic trash and pipelines) and for years has successfully advocated for funding and voted for representatives who defend the needs of our district in Albany. Over the past 6 years I have been working with my friends and neighbors to collectively build power through judicial campaigns, increasing parks funding, and volunteering with our mutual aid networks. By cutting Greenpoint in half, you're disenfranchising half of my neighbors and keeping us from being able to advocate for ourselves as a community. Keep Greenpoint whole and in AD50! Thank you for your time.
  • Julia
    February 10, 2023
    I am writing in response the the redistricting attempt to split the Greenpoint neighborhood into two districts. Please do NOT do this to the Greenpoint community! I have lived on Newel Street for over 6 years. My neighbor on this street, Edith Shchkrutz, is 100 years old (101 in May!) and has been a Greenpoint resident almost all her life. Her (late) husband grew up on Eagle Street. The roots in this neighborhood run deep. This community has been geographically isolated from the rest of the city for so long that it has been able to build a small community of culture that this district line does not care to recognize. In a time when community is so important , please allow GP to stay in tact as a single district. This neighborhood is THRIVING, businesses are booming, and what is drawing people here is exactly what your district line would begin to destroy. Killing the heart of a community what kills commerce. So, please, keep GP in tact. Listen to our wonder representatives that our community continue to re-elect like Maloney, Galagher, and our new rising star Lincoln Restler, and DO NOT split GP into 2 separate districts. Thank you.
  • Cathleen
    February 10, 2023
    Dear Commissioners, Thank you for working together to draft the Assembly districts that you released on December 1, 2023. We all recognize that this is a huge, difficult task. I also appreciate that you have made an effort to listen to testimony and encourage public participation. I am writing to you as a resident of Irondequoit, where I have lived since 1989. Irondequoit is a suburb north of the City of Rochester and currently part of Assembly district 136. Your proposal shifts the lower border of our district so that sections of City of Rochester south of East Ridge Road between Carter Street and St. Paul Boulevard are now included in district 137. It does seem better for that area to be included in the same Assembly district as the northern half of Rochester. However, l cannot understand why the southern border of proposed Assembly district 136 does not simply follow the Rochester/Irondequoit border between Culver Road and the Genesee River. Residents of both Irondequoit and the City of Rochester would be better served by an Assembly district that is consistent with the existing municipal boundary. Thank you for your attention,
  • Lisa
    February 10, 2023
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  • joshua
    February 10, 2023
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    Our district has been marginalized for too long ,we need our own South Asian district where resources can be allocated to suit our community needs more schools more community facilities education funding and our diverse culture, our business needs jobs to survived our community contribute a lot of taxes but we do not received the funding in our community we need a seat at the table in government
  • Myra
    February 10, 2023
    We live at 54 E. 34rd Street in Brooklyn, 11218. We are part of a few blocks that will be redistricted out of Bobby Carroll's district. PLEASE make a change to put us back with the rest of Windsor Terrace. It makes no sense to carve out our few blocks so that we are separated from our neighbors. Please, please, please put us back in the original district.
  • Susan
    February 10, 2023
    KEEP AD50 intact! I've been a proud Greenpoint residence for over 20 years. Why are we spending limited tax dollar on dividing up a perfectly good district?? We are not Queens on this side of Pulaski Bridge. Stop wasting our tax money and time on unnecessary changes.
  • Lauren
    February 10, 2023
    We are asking the commission to restore Green-Wood Cemetery along 20th Street to be the western border of the 44th AD, not the Prospect Expressway as in the draft plan, and Green-Wood Cemetery along McDonald Avenue and Fort Hamilton Parkway out to 39th Street as the Northern boundary between the 44th and 51st ADs. This is a shift of only a few blocks but makes complete sense geographically. Without this change the portions of Kensington and Windsor Terrace cut out of the 44th AD will be a small after thought in the 51st AD divided from that district by the hundreds of acres of Green-Wood Cemetery. The 51st AD contains most of the thriving neighborhood of Sunset Park and Red Hook and those neighborhoods historically dominate that district. The inevitable result of the draft plan is that the few blocks of Windsor Terrace and Kensington attached to the vast bulk of Sunset Park and Red Hook will be underserved.
  • Marisa
    February 10, 2023
    I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and am very against the proposed redistricting, which will divide the neighborhood's votes and render them powerless. We all know it, and public officials will face consequences from voters if they do this.
  • Aynsley
    February 10, 2023
    I am writing as a constituent of the 44th Assembly district and I am urging you NOT to redistrict my neighborhood (Kensington) OUT of the district. AM Carroll is a regular fixture at my children's school during fundraising activities and social justice marches, they know who he is and how he represents our community. I know he's involved with every other school in the district as well and our community cohesiveness is felt because of it
  • Antoinette
    February 10, 2023
    I definitely can say dividing Bay Ridge into four separate assembly districts is not fair, productive and confusing for our voters and residents! In fact, Bay Ridge has not had an assemblyman/woman since 1982 who actually lived here! Furthermore, with the change of demographics, the growing Muslim population will be divided into three of the four proposed assembly district lines! There should no fewer than two assembly districts and that the Staten Island part of the present removed from the Bay Ridge and part of fifty first assembly district, which includes the twin Bay Ridge Towers should be included in no more than two Bay Ridge Assembly Districts! In addition, the new council 47 district, which includes Coney Island should be included or as it remain now! I, respectfully hope you consider a fair and true representation of all the residents of Bay Ridge and not just in a haphazard manner of dividing this great community into four assembly districts! Cordially I am, Antoinette Surdo
  • Mary
    February 10, 2023
    As an over 10 year resident aof Windsor Terrace/Kensington and voter, I respectfully ask you to leave the district 44 how it has been for the last 30 years. Thank you
  • Laura
    February 10, 2023
    I am writing to object to the proposed changes for Assembly District 44 that would divide the community of Windsor Terrace. Although the Prospect Expressway is an unfortunate Robert Moses physical division, this is one community that has worked hard over the years to build and maintain its connections. It shares schools, houses of worship, and community organizations. It does not make sense to join this part of the district with Sunset Park, which is physically separate because of Greenwood Cemetery. The proposed lines would weaken the voices of this community, and I urge you to keep the neighborhoods of the 44th Assembly District intact as they currently exist and have for over 30 years.
  • Lauren
    February 10, 2023
    The new redistricting plan for the Brooklyn neighborhood of Windsor Terrace and Kensington does not make sense. The area between McDonald Avenue and NY-27 should not be cut off from the existing District 044. That area is is part of Windsor Terrace and to divide it and combine it with neighborhoods as far away as Sunset Park and Red Hook is bizarre. We are a community - we share schools, grocery stores, sidewalks, bike paths. Dividing the neighborhood only further complicates things.
  • Brenda
    February 10, 2023
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