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  • Adeline
    December 6, 2021
    I would like to see rural counties staying together as much as possible in the redistricting process. In our region, Ontario, Wayne, Seneca and Yates Counties work together on many similar projects due to their similar population needs. There is even a children's camp run by Rotary called camp Onseyawa (named after Ontario, Seneca, Yates and Wayne counties) because those four counties already work together for the camp (and many other) programs. Many people live and work in two of these counties. They often share water and sewer resources as well as numerous not-for-profits. They have similar flooding issues, main street issues and opioid epidemic issues. As a Town Board member in Ontario County, I would like to see us share representation with similar rural counties, not urban counties like Monroe or Tompkins. It helps to ensure equitable attention and funding for our entire region. Please keep Ontario, Wayne, Seneca and Yates counties together in redistricting.
  • Mark
    December 6, 2021
    My name is Mark Thompson and I have been a resident of Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village for more than 30 years, and the east side for more than 40 years. I am the former Chair of Manhattan Community Board 6 (currently serving as First Vice Chair) and have been a member of the Board for more than 20 years. In addition, I serve on or have served on the Boards of many local organizations and advocacy groups, so I am intimately familiar with the situation of our communities. I am very concerned about the redistricting of our communities and urge the Independent Redistricting Commission to consider a cohesive East Side Congressional district; not only do the residents use the same transportation routes but we are intertwined in so many ways to list, but this includes all organizations, business communities, personal and professional relationships, and histories. To slice up this strong community and dilute its soul would be wrong and makes no sense. In fact, it would damage the representation that the Commission is charged with strengthening. I and many of my Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village neighbors, rely on the M15, M15SBS, and the Subway stop at Union Square- most subways travel uptown and downtown, not crosstown. The subways and busses connect us to Murray Hill, Kips Bay, Yorkville, and East Harlem, but there is no denying that these trains need updating and repairs, as well as alternatives to deal with overcrowding. During a time of rebuilding and reshaping our City’s transportation system with the historic $10 billion going to the MTA, we need a Representative who knows how to spend those dollars wisely. With major infrastructure projects on the horizon, such as Phase 3 of the 2nd Avenue Subway slated to extend down to Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village, we need Representation with ingenuity, tact, and experience to see this project through and complete the complex infrastructure initiatives. Not only does the vertically traveling transportation system help residents travel the City, it also is a major economic driver. Residents from further uptown come downtown to enjoy the many local small businesses and restaurants located near Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village and vice versa. However, there is no denying that small businesses and restaurants throughout the East Side have borne the brunt of the pandemic with many owners and employees struggling to keep their doors open. We need a representative who can advocate for every dollar and cent of funding for small businesses in the halls of Congress. We also need a representative with the knowledge and experience of helping small businesses navigate the red tape of government agencies like the Small Business Association. This is a vulnerable time for New York City, especially for the East Side. The past years have been devastating, but right now we are in a moment of rebuilding. We need a Representative who can shepherd our recovery with the historic amount of funding coming to our City and who can be an active and respected voice in the Halls of Congress to make sure New York City is not left behind.
  • Kristine
    December 6, 2021
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  • Eddie
    December 6, 2021
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  • Linda
    December 6, 2021
    My name is Linda Cohen. I live on Staten Island. Based on our growing Asian population and our growing Middle Eastern population, I believe that our congressional district should combine Staten Island with the communities of Bay Ridge and Sunset Park. These areas have similar increasing immigrant communities, similar working class concerns, immigrant concerns and similar coastal concerns. The Verrazano Bridge exists as a strong link for our families, friends, businesses and schools. Our communities should be together in one congressional district so that we can advocate together for our transportation, housing, and educational needs.
  • Mariama
    December 6, 2021
    My name is Mariama James and I, along with my children, my mother and my late father until his passing this May, am a 9/11 survivor. In the months following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, my family and I were exposed to the toxins down at the World Trade Center, which have resulted in lifelong health complications. We are all enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) and rely on Bellevue Hospital for our medical care and treatment. I urge the Independent Redistricting Commission, as a 9/11 survivor and patient with complex illnesses, to keep all of the hospitals on Manhattan’s East Side in the same Congressional District. Manhattan’s East Side is home to the preeminent medical institutions on the cutting edge of research and patient care. Their world class excellence and reputation attract doctors and patients from New York City, the nation, and the world. People like myself and my family feel lucky that the World Trade Center Health Program is located in the 12th Congressional district because of its proximity to other hospitals including several teaching hospitals, specialty hospitals, and public hospitals who are able to share talent, ideas and perspectives. It is natural that so many medical institutions located near one another should have one representative who is intimately familiar with their concerns, as well as be their advocate in the halls of Congress. The East Side needs a single member of Congress who understands the importance of increasing the amount of federal research dollars available. For individuals living with rare diseases or chronic illnesses, the ability for this research to garner federal funding can be a life and death situation. 9/11 survivors and responders need an informed member to be able to advocate for the WTCHP and VCF in the event that there is a funding shortfall. Survivors also need to have access to medical care such as the hospitals and medical institutions on the East Side. There are so many responders and survivors throughout Manhattan, and we cannot afford for these 9/11 funds and hospitals alike to not have the adequate aid to help us. We need a representative well versed and knowledgeable in the care and programs available for 9/11 responders and survivors, so we can continue to have an advocate in Congress. Our lives depend on it.
  • marshall
    December 5, 2021
    There seem to be many reasons for not splitting up the Brookhaven County district. 1) splitting the very powerul research and economic interests interactions bewteen Stony Brook U and Brookhaven Nat. Lab. is very counterproductive, and splitting up the combined Stony Brook U incubators will interfere with their efficient usage. 2) Interfering with important shared cultural and historical ties which have promoted community interactions across the the Town, from north to south. 3) Proposed solutions for shared environmental problems will be interfered with. sincerely, Marshall Newton Strong's Neck
  • Minewattie
    December 5, 2021
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    Hi , I am submitting a Draft Map P -State Senate- asking that Howard Beach be removed and replaced with South Ozone Park. (South Ozone Park, Ozone Park, and Richmond Hill forms a community of Interest.) This is in support of my testimony dated December 5, 2021. Thank you. Sincerely, Dr. Minewattie Gayadin Ali Ed.D
  • Minewattie
    December 5, 2021
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    Hi , I am submitting two New York Times articles dated 12/2/21 that I ask that you review in support of my testimony dated December 5, 2021. Thank you. Sincerely, Dr. Minewattie Gayadin Ali Ed.D
  • Minewattie
    December 5, 2021
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    Hi , I am submitting two New York Times articles dated 12/2/21 that I ask that you review in support of my testimony dated December 5, 2021. Thank you. Sincerely, Dr. Minewattie Gayadin Ali Ed.D
  • Willene
    December 5, 2021
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  • Maria
    December 5, 2021
    Dear Commissioners, I am looking at this information through the lens of my Anti-Bias Task Force work. As most people know, Suffolk County is highly segregated. In addition to the segregation, communities of color are broken apart in an effort to dilute their voices. I would ask, no beg, that you please consider reunifying the historically Black community of Gordon Heights into one Assembly District. Gordon Heights has 3 EDs, and as a result of the 2011 redistricting, two are in Assembly District 4 (EDs 137 and 200), and one is in Assembly District 3 (ED 192). Please reunite all 3, into AD4. The population of AD4 supports such as move, as it is currently below the average population for an AD. AD3 is also below average but adjoins AD1 which is above average. The swaps could easily be made. Gordon Heights has been treated egregiously in many ways, including being assigned 4 different zip codes, which makes it difficult to collect health, housing, crime, and demographic data. If we can rectify at least one evil, by giving the community a stronger voice in their AD, then that is a small but important accomplishment. In another redistricting matter, I am looking at Stony Brook University (SBU), the largest employer in Suffolk, and Brookhaven National Labs (BNL) – both organizations work together on many programs. As a retired engineer, I know how crucial funding and grants are to research labs. They need a strong advocate for their work, which includes the groundbreaking Electron-Ion Collider currently being built. This would best be accomplished by keeping them in the same CD. To move SBU into another CD that extends to NYC would dilute the advocacy of the Congressional Member for this very important part of the Suffolk community and economy. Please preserve both these important scientific and educational entities in a single Congressional District. Thank you.
  • Virginia
    December 5, 2021
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  • Virginia
    December 5, 2021
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    Please ensure that all Election Districts in Gordon Heights are contained in Assembly District 4. Currently only 2 of the 3 Gordon Heights EDs are in AD4. Please repair the damage done in 2010/2011 and put ED 192 back into AD4.
  • Ryan
    December 5, 2021
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