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  • Annette
    December 5, 2021
    Keep Jamaica Intact!
  • Jacquelyn
    December 5, 2021
    I'm writing to request that Brookhaven Town not be split in two as proposed by the current Democratic Letters Congressional draft map. Brookhaven Town has a strong shared community of interest, based on historical, economic, scientific, academic, environmental and cultural interests. Splitting the Town into two CDs as proposed under the Congressional Letter Draft would cause irreparable harm and undercut our economy, civic institutions and feeling of shared history and current purpose. From the North Shore to the South, Brookhaven Town shares a proud history dating back to the mid-1600s. Our primarily agrarian roots and long tradition as fishermen and whalers shaped who we are today: Pro environment, protective of our farmers, and fierce guardians of our parks, beaches and shores. The feisty, independent ethos of small yeoman farmers and independent fishermen that inspired the famous Setauket-based Culper Spy Ring of Brookhaven residents who risked their lives for George Washington remains a defining characteristic of the community. Coram, the oldest community in central Brookhaven Town, contributed its Light Dragoons to work with the Culper Spy Ring on acts of sabotage against the British and subsequently became the meeting place of the Brookhaven Town government for 10 years. The Congressional Draft Letter plan would split Coram, the oldest settlement in central Brookhaven, in two. Ronkonkoma, a key transportation hub for Brookhaven Town commuters and residents, would likewise be divided. Considering the money spent to make Ronkonkoma a thriving community hub, the division seems doubly perverse. The map also divides Stony Brook University from Brookhaven National Laboratory, which are tied together by shared ownership, research and economic interests and should be represented by one member of Congress as they have been. Splitting Brookhaven Town’s two most dynamic and renowned research institutions into two Congressional Districts would hurt their shared academic and scientific research and negatively impact the economic stimulus they bring to the Town. The scientific and research communities at Stony Brook and BNL – and the many employees throughout Brookhaven Town that they support – benefit from having one member of Congress advocate for them and prioritize their mutual needs. In fact, their ties are numerous and inseparable: Stony Brook is a partner in Brookhaven Science Associates LLC, managing Brookhaven National Lab for the Department of Energy. Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA) was established for the sole purpose of managing and operating Brookhaven National Laboratory. Formed as a partnership between Battelle Memorial Institute and The Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of Stony Brook University (SBU), BSA is the legal entity responsible for leading BNL successfully through the 21st century. Stony Brook is the single largest user of BNL facilities; BNL facilities and its scientific staff are essential to the vitality of the university's intellectual life and to the impact of many of its research programs. BNL and the University share an increasing number of joint faculty appointments. Stony Brook and Brookhaven National Lab have formalized collaborations that form communities of interest in educational, economic, and intellectual research. It is critical that this complex, major economic engine has the benefit of effective representation in Washington, DC, from one member of Congress. Moreover, the proposed division would split Stony Brook’s incubators, leaving its Research and Development Park and the L.I. Tech Incubator in one congressional district and its Calverton Incubator in another. Splitting Brookhaven Town into two Congressional Districts would also undermine the shared interests and improvement efforts of Brookhaven Town’s African American communities which have both been historically plagued by political “cracking” and disenfranchisement. Their common purpose to address historical wrongs through Town-wide civic organizations like the Brookhaven NAACP would be severely hampered. Likewise, the membership of many of Brookhaven Town’s most trusted and effective civic organizations like the Brookhaven League of Women Voters would be split apart, endangering our progress on good government reforms and environmental cleanup. Finally, a commonality of economic realities characterize Brookhaven Town’s North and South Shores. Tourism is a major part of Brookhaven’s North and South Shore economies, especially during the summer months, which brings shared challenges as well as economic benefit. The surge in tourists benefits Main Street businesses, cultural institutions and small and organic farmers in the surrounding areas, but it means increased seasonal strain on infrastructure and unpredictable vulnerability during off season months and economic downturns. Proposed solutions for shared environmental degradation problems, shore erosion and pollution would also be undermined. In the mid-19th century, the villages of Port Jefferson in the north and Patchogue in the south prospered as shipbuilding ports and remain Brookhaven Town’s largest communities. Both subsequently suffered economic downturns but now, thanks to affordable housing and mixed-use projects, small businesses and cultural centers, they are once again becoming thriving communities. These regional projects on the two coasts are of critical importance to the economic success of the wider Town and would thus benefit from remaining in the same Congressional District.
  • Albert
    December 5, 2021
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  • Karen
    December 5, 2021
    Dear Committee: We are writing to the New York State Independent Redistricting Committee to voice our opinion on the proposals for CD19. Our comments are related to these issues: 1) contiguity 2) racial fairness 3) preserving communities of interest We moved to the Hudson Valley from Long Island in late 2011 to enjoy retirement. The affordable living, beautiful view sheds and healthy lifestyle coupled with a vibrant artistic community is what attracted us after leaving overpopulated and overdeveloped Nassau County. Living on Long Island for 23 years, we lived in one of the most gerrymandered districts of New York. Peter King ruled for decades as “King Peter” and was dubbed one of the most gerrymandered congress members in NY. Furthermore, our state senator, and eventual majority leader Dean Skelos, was released from prison last year on corruption charges. We testified on the proposed redistricting plan in the Nassau County legislature in 2011 along with many other residents and there was a decided lack of transparency at an unwelcoming legislative session when citizens were forced to wait until very late in the evening to comment. A surprise for us in moving to Columbia County was the community. While we previously lived in the beautiful South Shore of Nassau County, just minutes away from breathtaking beaches, we were happily accepted into the hard working farming community in the Town of Livingston. Here we were able to make a real difference by volunteering at our local library and by helping to address the issue of food insecurity. Equally surprising was how we also became part of the City of Hudson community enjoying all that historic city has to offer, including wonderful restaurants, theatre, films and concerts, waterfront activities, and cultural events. Hudson is a diverse city with people of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds and we are contributors to many worthwhile community organizations such as Kite’s Nest offering programs to young people building the capacity for healing and personal transformation. Would we want to see the City of Hudson carved out and made part of a different district? No, we would not. We feel we belong to Hudson, and live only 12 minutes away from this diverse, exciting, happening city with friends and activities a part of our daily lives. Our lives are enriched with the racial diversity and continuous influx of newcomers, just as we came to this city a decade ago. Would we want to see the Town of Livingston become part of the Capital district where Albany and its issues and concerns have so little to do with this farming community? No, we would not. We believe our futures are tied to the communities that work and play together with shared interests. We understand that New York will lose a congressional district. It is our hope that the commission will take every precaution in changing where our citizens land on the various maps under consideration. Keep rural Columbia County aligned with the rich diversity of the City of Hudson, keep us together. Thank you, Karen Fetty Patricia Goldsmith 205 Schneider Road Hudson, NY 12534
  • Nancy
    December 5, 2021
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  • Ariel
    December 5, 2021
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  • Lisa
    December 5, 2021
    I submit this testimony to the New York State Independent Redistricting Commission in order to share my opinion on the current re-districting efforts. When I looked at the proposed maps offered by the IRC for the North Country region, I believe that the District Y design best reflects and captures the overall nature of the North Country. It is important to keep our congressional district together and not divide the North Country. I would love to see our existing district preserved. Respectfully, it should be the commission’s number one priority to protect our region’s core, from Jefferson County to Saratoga and Fort Drum to the Adirondacks. The North Country must stay connected!
  • Hon. H. Scottie
    December 5, 2021
    H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement & Redistricting Coordinator NAACP NYS Conference 516.5675433 C 516.763.5609 H 18th Assembly District Lakeview Lines: Traveling SOUTH on Woodfield Rd, line should NOT CROSS Peninsula Blvd into Rockville Centre. Traveling NORTH on Woodfield Rd, line will INTERSECT with Eagle Avenue. After making a RIGHT onto Eagle Avenue, all streets (LEFT and RIGHT) heading towards Southern State Parkway fall into the 18th AD. Hempstead Lake State Park- a portion of this park also falls into the 18th AD. The 4th Congressional District: Traveling West, the 4th CD should REMAIN in Nassau County. DO NOT CROSS OVER CROSS ISLAND INTO QUEENS COUNTY. The 4th CD should INCLUDE ALL OF THE VALLEY STREAM COMMUNITY. The 4th CD should REMAIN IN ALL OF NASSAU COUNTY. H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement NAACP NYS Conference NAACP NYS Census 2020 & Redistricting Coordinator 393 Rose Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 516.567.5433/516.763.5609 Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President NAACP NYS Conference
  • Hon. H. Scottie
    December 5, 2021
    H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement & Redistricting Coordinator NAACP NYS Conference 516.5675433 C 516.763.5609 H 18th Assembly District Lakeview Lines: Traveling SOUTH on Woodfield Rd, line should NOT CROSS Peninsula Blvd into Rockville Centre. Traveling NORTH on Woodfield Rd, line will INTERSECT with Eagle Avenue. After making a RIGHT onto Eagle Avenue, all streets (LEFT and RIGHT) heading towards Southern State Parkway fall into the 18th AD. Hempstead Lake State Park- a portion of this park also falls into the 18th AD. The 4th Congressional District: Traveling West, the 4th CD should REMAIN in Nassau County. DO NOT CROSS OVER CROSS ISLAND INTO QUEENS COUNTY. The 4th CD should INCLUDE ALL OF THE VALLEY STREAM COMMUNITY. The 4th CD should REMAIN IN ALL OF NASSAU COUNTY. H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement NAACP NYS Conference NAACP NYS Census 2020 & Redistricting Coordinator 393 Rose Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 516.567.5433/516.763.5609 Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President NAACP NYS Conference
  • Hon. H. Scottie
    December 5, 2021
    18th Assembly District Lakeview Lines: Traveling SOUTH on Woodfield Rd, line should NOT CROSS Peninsula Blvd into Rockville Centre. Traveling NORTH on Woodfield Rd, line will INTERSECT with Eagle Avenue. After making a RIGHT onto Eagle Avenue, all streets (LEFT and RIGHT) heading towards Southern State Parkway fall into the 18th AD. Hempstead Lake State Park- a portion of this park also falls into the 18th AD. The 4th Congressional District: Traveling West, the 4th CD should REMAIN in Nassau County. DO NOT CROSS OVER CROSS ISLAND INTO QUEENS COUNTY. The 4th CD should INCLUDE ALL OF THE VALLEY STREAM COMMUNITY. The 4th CD should REMAIN IN ALL OF NASSAU COUNTY. H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement NAACP NYS Conference NAACP NYS Census 2020 & Redistricting Coordinator 393 Rose Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 516.567.5433/516.763.5609 Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President NAACP NYS Conference Good Evening Commissioners, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you today. My Name is H. Scottie Coads, Chair of Civic Engagement of the NAACP NYS Conference, proudly representing Fifty-Six Branches under the Fearless and Dynamic Leadership of this Great Association Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President. I am also a Resident of the Wonderful Community of LAKEVIEW in the State of New York since 1978. In addition, I am the 2020 CENSUS and Redistricting Coordinator, who fought to have ALL people COUNTED in the 2020 CENSUS, getting Communities trained and informed to understand the importance of being COUNTED. Communities began to understand that our Training would lead to the place where we are NOW - The Redistricting Process - a process that we always had to Fight for Fairness in ALL Districts, especially in the Black and Brown Communities. The NAACP and other like-minded Civil Rights Organizations have been Warriors for Fairness at the Polls and to implement Fairly drawn lines during the Redistricting process without ultimately Gerrymandering the lines in favor of Individuals with ONLY Party and Political interests. Our Fight for Fair Representation became more challenging when the Supreme Court threw out the Preclearance Protection, Section 5, of the 1965 Voting Rights Act on June 13, 2013. Needless to say. Fair Voting and Drawing of the Lines have become more challenging throughout the Country… New York State is included. Yes, the Hate and Anti-Voting Suppression has transcended itself to the Great State of New York. Commissioners, today, I speak to you as a Representative of the Oldest, Strongest, Civil Rights Organization, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – the NAACP NYS Conference and its 56 Branches of Warriors, hoping that in the final analysis of the Map Drawing, you will be Fair to my Black and Brown Communities. The Residents, inclusive of NAACP NYS Leaders, Clergy Members, Community Advocates, Sororities, Fraternities and Citizens of other Like-Minded Organizations, are Requesting that the LAKEVIEW Communities of 18th Assembly District be kept TOGETHER, as ONE and in the likeness for which we are accustomed. PLEASE NOTE: The 18th Assembly District came into being through the Fight and Leadership of Dr. Hazel N. Dukes and Individuals in Albany who realized Minority Representation was needed to give us the Voice in government we Desperately Wanted and Deserved to have. This 18th Assembly District has been Intact ever since the Early 80’s. We would like to remain Intact and Unified. In addition to leaving the 18th Assembly District Intact, I am also requesting that the 4th Congressional District in Nassau County remain as it has always been. The 4th CD should encompass all Nassau communities on the Eastern Side of Cross Island, inclusive of All of Elmont, and All of the Valley Stream Community. The 4th CD should NOT be put in the County of Queens. The rest of the 4th CD should remain as it always has been. Please Remember the NAACP exist for ALL People. However, we MUST continue to advocate for our Black and Brown Communities who too often are disenfranchised and left out. Thank you for listening. H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement NAACP NYS Conference NAACP NYS Census 2020 & Redistricting Coordinator 393 Rose Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 516.567.5433/516.763.5609 Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President NAACP NYS Conference
  • Lorne
    December 5, 2021
    Brookhaven Town should not be split in two as proposed by the current Democratic Letters Congressional draft map. The map also divides Stony Brook University from Brookhaven National Laboratory, which are tied together by shared ownership, research and economic interests and should be represented by one member of Congress as they have been.
  • Hon. H. Scottie
    December 5, 2021
    Good Evening Commissioners, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you today. My Name is H. Scottie Coads, Chair of Civic Engagement of the NAACP NYS Conference, proudly representing Fifty-Six Branches under the Fearless and Dynamic Leadership of this Great Association Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President. I am also a Resident of the Wonderful Community of LAKEVIEW in the State of New York since 1978. In addition, I am the 2020 CENSUS and Redistricting Coordinator, who fought to have ALL people COUNTED in the 2020 CENSUS, getting Communities trained and informed to understand the importance of being COUNTED. Communities began to understand that our Training would lead to the place where we are NOW - The Redistricting Process - a process that we always had to Fight for Fairness in ALL Districts, especially in the Black and Brown Communities. The NAACP and other like-minded Civil Rights Organizations have been Warriors for Fairness at the Polls and to implement Fairly drawn lines during the Redistricting process without ultimately Gerrymandering the lines in favor of Individuals with ONLY Party and Political interests. Our Fight for Fair Representation became more challenging when the Supreme Court threw out the Preclearance Protection, Section 5, of the 1965 Voting Rights Act on June 13, 2013. Needless to say. Fair Voting and Drawing of the Lines have become more challenging throughout the Country… New York State is included. Yes, the Hate and Anti-Voting Suppression has transcended itself to the Great State of New York. Commissioners, today, I speak to you as a Representative of the Oldest, Strongest, Civil Rights Organization, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – the NAACP NYS Conference and its 56 Branches of Warriors, hoping that in the final analysis of the Map Drawing, you will be Fair to my Black and Brown Communities. The Residents, inclusive of NAACP NYS Leaders, Clergy Members, Community Advocates, Sororities, Fraternities and Citizens of other Like-Minded Organizations, are Requesting that the LAKEVIEW Communities of 18th Assembly District be kept TOGETHER, as ONE and in the likeness for which we are accustomed. PLEASE NOTE: The 18th Assembly District came into being through the Fight and Leadership of Dr. Hazel N. Dukes and Individuals in Albany who realized Minority Representation was needed to give us the Voice in government we Desperately Wanted and Deserved to have. This 18th Assembly District has been Intact ever since the Early 80’s. We would like to remain Intact and Unified. In addition to leaving the 18th Assembly District Intact, I am also requesting that the 4th Congressional District in Nassau County remain as it has always been. The 4th CD should encompass all Nassau communities on the Eastern Side of Cross Island, inclusive of All of Elmont, and All of the Valley Stream Community. The 4th CD should NOT be put in the County of Queens. The rest of the 4th CD should remain as it always has been. Please Remember the NAACP exist for ALL People. However, we MUST continue to advocate for our Black and Brown Communities who too often are disenfranchised and left out. Thank you for listening. H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement NAACP NYS Conference NAACP NYS Census 2020 & Redistricting Coordinator 393 Rose Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 516.567.5433/516.763.5609 Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President NAACP NYS Conference 18th Assembly District Lakeview Lines: Traveling SOUTH on Woodfield Rd, line should NOT CROSS Peninsula Blvd into Rockville Centre. Traveling NORTH on Woodfield Rd, line will INTERSECT with Eagle Avenue. After making a RIGHT onto Eagle Avenue, all streets (LEFT and RIGHT) heading towards Southern State Parkway fall into the 18th AD. Hempstead Lake State Park- a portion of this park also falls into the 18th AD. The 4th Congressional District: Traveling West, the 4th CD should REMAIN in Nassau County. DO NOT CROSS OVER CROSS ISLAND INTO QUEENS COUNTY. The 4th CD should INCLUDE ALL OF THE VALLEY STREAM COMMUNITY. The 4th CD should REMAIN IN ALL OF NASSAU COUNTY. H. Scottie Coads, Chair Civic Engagement NAACP NYS Conference NAACP NYS Census 2020 & Redistricting Coordinator 393 Rose Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 516.567.5433/516.763.5609 Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President NAACP NYS Conference
  • Helene
    December 5, 2021
    My name is Helene Onserud I live at 428 54 Street. I was alerted that the "Letters" map for Assembly District 51proposes to take bites out of Sunset Park and this would put me in a new district. But I am clearly part of the Sunset Park community, along with the people in my household, on my block, and the people who live on the other blocks that would be moved. We all deserve fair representation as members of this community. I ask the commissioners to leave our blocks together - from 53 to 57 Streets and between 4 and 6 Avenues in the same assembly District 51 with the rest of Sunset Park. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Kathy
    December 5, 2021
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    The attached testimony is submitted by the League of Women Voters of Westchester County, and focuses upon Congressional Districts. Local Leagues have submitted testimonies with more granular details of Senate and Assembly maps for their communities. Kathy Meany, LWVW President
  • eric
    December 5, 2021
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