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  • Inna
    December 3, 2021
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    Council Member Inna Vernikov: As the newly elected Councilmember for the 48th City Council district, I believe it is important to keep the communities I represent together within one congressional district. As the results of my election demonstrated, a vast majority of these neighborhoods share similar cultural values. Much of these similarities are shared by Staten Islanders, a similar constituency to the one I represent. I believe it would be appropriate to link my Southern Brooklyn district, including the neighborhoods of Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Gravesend, and Midwood, with Staten Island. Because my district is currently broken up among several Congressional districts, my constituents’ voices are often lost and not properly represented in Washington. Joining these communities with Staten Island neighborhoods that share similar values will ensure a more effective and fair representation for my district.
  • Anne
    December 3, 2021
    I prefer the “Names” plan Re: the redistricting of New York congressional districts.
  • Amy
    December 3, 2021
    I am in NY22 and was appalled by the insanity of the last congressional election. The Letters proposal would, in my opinion, lead to similar issues in the future. Syracuse and Utica do not have the same concerns. In fact, other towns in Oneida County have much more in common with Utica than they do with Syracuse. The Numbers proposal at least does a better job of keeping communities together. I like in Kirkland and splitting it in terms of Congressional representation makes no sense. Just because I'm farther north or south within Kirkland doesn't change my connection to that community.
  • Christine
    December 3, 2021
    I think that the Letters Democratic Plan, which contains a North-South map, which includes my area of Binghamton and other towns close to it like Oneonta and Cortland, is the best map for redistricting for these areas.
  • Michelle
    December 3, 2021
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  • Daniel
    December 2, 2021
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  • Kim
    December 2, 2021
    Under one of the Commission’s draft plans, the Capital Region’s three major cities would be divided into two separate districts, with the City of Schenectady drawn into a Congressional district that also includes Sullivan County, the City of Binghamton, and parts of Madison County near the suburbs of Syracuse. As a resident of the city of Schenectady this separation is not only a disservice to Schenectady by aligning it with other areas that do not face the same social and economic challenges, but to those areas and their interests. Schenectady needs to remain in the same alignment with Troy and Albany and would hope this is not changed. All 3 cities have shared social and economic interests that splitting could potentially impact all 3 in a detrimental way. The Commission is to ensure their residents have the most effective form of federal representation possible, splitting these 3 cities would not accomplish that.
  • Jacqueline
    December 2, 2021
    The Republican plan seems to expand the district North, South and West, not just North and South. . It also seems to envelope the Jewish community into one district - Kiryas Joel, Monroe and the Jewish community in Rockland. I am concerned about this large community whose political action has always been to consider the needs of that large community despite the needs of other communities in the area. Which one of these plans limits any community from having a monopoly? Neither plan seems to do that for the area I am in but the Republican plan adds to that issue because it encompasses Monsey, New City and other predominately Jewish areas in Rockland with Orange County towns. There is also no consideration of the new Pine Village Complex, which looks like a city being built in Monroe/Woodbury. How can we be assured that no one community will have so much political power in an area that it will overshadow the needs of smaller communities? I worked in ROCKLAND for 19 years and saw the destruction of their schools by a board that is predominantly Jewish. The state seems to be unable or unwilling to do anything about that type of domination. When non-Jewish people try to address this issue, they are called anti Semitic when they are just anti monopoly. The religious exemption really needs to be eliminated or greatly modified.
  • Janet
    December 2, 2021
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    December 2, 2021 To whom it may concern: Thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony for your consideration as you reach a decision regarding redistricting in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. I am writing on behalf of Rotary District 7120, a service organization of 65 clubs serving 11 counties in the Finger Lakes. The proposed maps have the counties of Wayne, Ontario and Seneca separated. I believe that these counties should be kept together for a number of reasons. Economically, culturally, and geographically, they are very similar, and their community resources mesh together better than the other alternatives. I learned today that these are the only 3 counties in New York State that have no safe houses for domestic abuse victims. They are working together to create such a venue. Again, having one Senate representative work on this area’s concerns relating to these assets and challenges is invaluable to making sure there is a consistent and cohesive approach in solving problems. Please consider this request that the Senate District representing Ontario, Wayne and Seneca Counties is left unchanged during your deliberations. Sincerely, Janet Tenreiro Rotary District 7120 District Governor
  • Samantha
    December 2, 2021
    I can’t comment on the specifics of the proposed maps; I’ll leave that to those with more experience in the finer points of district lines. What I’d like to draw attention to is the timing. New maps are supposed to be released in February, potentially days before the start of petitioning for primary elections. How can candidates prepare for petitioning if they don’t even know with certainty what district they’ll be running in? As a county committee organizer this affects me directly. While larger office candidates may have paid staff to help them, county committee petitioning campaigns are organized by individual candidates and volunteers. It will be very burdensome to try to communicate last minute information about Assembly and Election District changes to hundreds of candidates, and it will create disengagement at best and prevent participation at worst. I ask that you please release the final maps - whatever they may be - in a timely manner that gives candidates for offices large and small sufficient time to prepare for the start of petitioning. This would be two weeks at an absolute minimum and ideally four weeks. Thank you.
  • Gloria
    December 2, 2021
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  • Kim
    December 2, 2021
    Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on the redistricting of the Finger Lakes Region. As a farmer who lives on the Wayne/Ontario County line, we see a lot of shared services for rural communities in the region including Wayne, Ontario and Seneca Counties. As a Wayne County resident, I don't like Wayne County being separated from other rural counties of like minded thinking. We are almost all rural and don't want to be added to and always out voted by Rochester suburbs and city residents of different thinking. Please do not split Wayne County away from Ontario and Seneca Counties. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Darlene
    December 1, 2021
    First let me say I am a senior citizen residing in South Queens. I understand your commission wants to make changes that may jeopardize people that depend on Senior Citizen Centers. Since we all are aging let us be mindful that it won’t be long before we all will be needing our centers. Thank You All in advance for your continued support.
  • Verda
    December 1, 2021
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    Testimony Text is attached in pdf.
  • Verda
    December 1, 2021
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    Attached are 1) PowerPoint; 2) Testimony Text; 3) Support Data re: Distressed Families due to 6,199 Foreclosures in Jamaica, Queens; This should be the Testimony Text file, though it keeps showing pptx. I will submit one more time.